Every winter I generally go through 3 sicknesses. 2 minor, and 1 extremely major.
Looking back at high school I recall once my major sickness happened during December exams. I OD'd on advil and scraped a decent mark by my standards.
First year university my stommy randomly one night decided to make me vomit mid way through my peaceful slumber. I was out for another day or so.
This year I'm hoping that my current flu/cough/cold/w/e is going to be my major sickness of the winter. I've fallen at least a week behind, if not more. In fact I was burning up a fever one night in my apartment when my roommate went home for the night. Alone and without medication, I then proceeded to make some lamb soup and pitifully forced myself to drink it hot while bundled in my blanket to try to break the fever.
Luckily it worked, sadly I was left with terrible aches on my body and head. And so this weekend has been rather unproductive as well.
Anyways I don't really have any particular point to make with this entry since I really just wanted to complain. But today my headache isn't so strong anymore so hopefully I can get my biology pre-lab done...
WHEEE! JUST GOT THE ASUS EEE PAD TRANSFORMER WITH DOCK! (http://www.asus.com/Eee/Eee_Pad/Eee_Pad_Transformer_TF101/) Life is good again.
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