Sunday, October 23, 2011

Things to do with paper stars

I was folding paper stars today out of boredom from studying. It's always a nice way to relax. At the present time I've got a nice box of stars.


Ok, so it's not that many stars, I just started ok?! Regardless, I realized it would probably be a good idea if I took the time to figure out what the heck I'm going to do with all these stars after I get a bigger buildup of them. 

Time to think.

Fill up a jar 
This works as a great gift idea, also a great decoration for the house. Sadly I've already got a jar that kinda just sits on my desk without a purpose. Also, the real jars made for holding these stars are actually rather expensive, and I'd feel terrible giving away stars in some random leftover container that happens to be see-through. But this is also the easiest go-to method to desposing of these stars. In all actuality I do make the majority of my stars with the intention of giving them away eventually, I just never find the time to get a nice jar for them. 

Use them as gift packaging
This is a new idea I've started recently. Since I have a whole bunch of stars anyways, why don't I use them to package gifts? Esspicially when giving away jewlery boxes and the like, add some stars to the box and it turns out pretty cute. At first sight the receipent thinks (s)he's been given a box of stars, but in reality the stars are just there to mask the true gift! How cute! 

String them up
I really would like to do this... but I have a feeling that it'll require precise work with a needle. Though I think it'd be pretty cool to have paper stars stringed up and tapped above my bed. Forget those childish glow-in-the-dark stick-on stars, I've got 3D dangling stars! 

Use them as weapons
Yes I do know about the paper ninja stars:

But that takes way too much time to fold, and you only get to throw it once. Whereas with puffed up paper stars, you can have a whole bunch to shoot off at people. Make one fast and chuck it away! 

Make Jewelry 
Either get the legit earring making stuff or just thread some up for a bracelet. It probably won't last very long but these stars are practically endless anyways. 

Write messages
So you might know that most star paper is blank on one side. It is therefore possible to write secret messages in it. I have done so before. Of course, no one knows because no one will bother opening every single star I attack them with. For all you know, I could have threw you a star in which I apologized for stealing that $20 from your wallet that one time you lost $20... but you'll never know. 

Monday, October 10, 2011

Key to Productivity?

I just deactivated my facebook.

Why you might ask? I think you know why, it's because of this:
Am I being paranoid? Probably. But that's not the only reason I deactivated. You see, I got facebook only 2 years ago and I have recently begun the pondering of why that is. In fact for most of high school I've refused all facebook invites with a strict belief that if peope really wanted to keep in contact with me, there are countless other ways of doing so. But now it seems few people are very fond of the idea of sending nice emails or a simple text. In fact, thinking about it nowadays, I don't often talk on the PHONE much either!

So I decided that I shall return to that former mentality and just start emailing people instead of posting on their wall. After all, that is the point of a wall post... in a way. Actually a wall post is a lot more public, it's basically screaming for people to see your conversation with a friend.

I would continue my rant on facebook, but really it's all common sense. Instead I shall list how productive I've been without it!

  • Biochem giant study sheet completed
  • Physio study sheet started
  • Bio study sheet started
  • Wrote this blog post
  • Finished anthro chapter
  • Checked Google+ every 10min instead of facebook
  • Found nothing really happens on G+ which forced me to be productive 
  • Cleaned out gmail (I'm trying to get my memory usage down to 1337MB)
Also I was so relaxed that I decided to take a nice hot bath. Sadly I got a slight case of heat stroke from being in the bath too long and forgetting that the water was extremely hot. Yes, this stuff does happen.


Reactivated it... with the intention of using it for networking purposes ONLY! Realized I needed to get this one person's email; but didn't have it... it's on their facebook. Darned publicity... 

Sunday, October 02, 2011

Getting sick pre-flu season

Every winter I generally go through 3 sicknesses. 2 minor, and 1 extremely major.

Looking back at high school I recall once my major sickness happened during December exams. I OD'd on advil and scraped a decent mark by my standards.

First year university my stommy randomly one night decided to make me vomit mid way through my peaceful slumber. I was out for another day or so.

This year I'm hoping that my current flu/cough/cold/w/e is going to be my major sickness of the winter. I've fallen at least a week behind, if not more. In fact I was burning up a fever one night in my apartment when my roommate went home for the night. Alone and without medication, I then proceeded to make some lamb soup and pitifully forced myself to drink it hot while bundled in my blanket to try to break the fever.

Luckily it worked, sadly I was left with terrible aches on my body and head. And so this weekend has been rather unproductive as well.

Anyways I don't really have any particular point to make with this entry since I really just wanted to complain. But today my headache isn't so strong anymore so hopefully I can get my biology pre-lab done...
